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Bev Butula

Dec 1, 2008

Science and Technology Research

Quality websites exist to obtain relevant scholarly science and technology information. Many use Google Scholar. Google Scholar, however, pulls results from a very large index of materials, not all specific to the discipline. Two search engines designed to query just scientific resources are and Scitopia is a federated search tool. It looks to […]

Nov 24, 2008

eLaw Exchange (Electronic Discovery Information)

Michael Arkfeld, the author of “Electronic Discovery and Evidence,” offers an electronic discovery tool entitled eLaw Exchange. The site supplies information on service providers, state rules, and litigation resources. It encourages contributions and exchanges between professionals. One site feature is “Litigation Intelligence.” This is a searchable database of websites tha[...]

Nov 17, 2008

Counsel to Counsel Magazine

Did you know that Martindale’s Counsel to Counsel magazine is available online in full text? Counsel to Counsel “focuses on current issues and practical approaches in corporate legal services, offering cutting-edge benchmarking information and timely insights.” Free registration is required to obtain the articles. The site includes an archive of older editions going back to [[...]

Nov 17, 2008


Judgepedia is a relatively new website, going live earlier in 2008. Judgepedia is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia. A wiki is a collaborative website, allowing individuals to create, edit and delete information on the page. Because of this ability to manipulate information, some have questioned the reliability of wikis. However, operators of wikis have stressed […]

Nov 10, 2008

Election Data via Google Maps

Google’s Election ’08 Map Gallery displays a variety of maps dealing with the current and past elections. Two of the several choices include 2008 election results and historical data. The 2008 election results map will be updated in “real time” per Google, so interested parties might want to keep an eye on it throughout the […]

Nov 10, 2008

National Association of Counties

The National Association of Counties (NACo) is a national organization representing county government. Per their website, membership includes more than 2000 of the 3066 counties in the United States. Some of the information on their website is limited to members only. However, they still offer much to the general researcher. One page available to the […]

Nov 3, 2008

Computer virus information

McAfee’s virus information page contains two resources that may be of interest. The first is the “virus glossary.” It defines the, often unknown, terms that are associated with virus and security issues. It is a simple interface; the researcher can either browse or select the first letter of a word. The site also supports a […]

Oct 27, 2008

CISG and International Commercial Law

Pace Law School maintains an amazing database dealing with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). CISG is the treaty ratified by over 70 countries outlining the uniform international sales law. The database contains several sections including the annotated text, case information, advisory council opinions, scholarly materials, and application [&helli[...]

Oct 27, 2008

Securities Lawyers Deskbook

The Securities Lawyers Deskbook published by the University of Cincinnati’s College of Law is a searchable database of the major securities laws. It “contains the text of the basic federal securities laws and regulations, as well as links to the principal Securities and Exchange Commission forms under those laws and regulations.” The site is a […]

Oct 20, 2008

Regional Economic Conditions (RECON)

The FDIC maintains a dynamic site that allows an individual to research specific regional economic information. RECON provides data for a variety of geographic areas including the U.S., state level, metropolitan area, and county level. The type of information ranges from income, to housing permits, to mortgage delinquencies, to unemployment. A chart outlining coverage can […]

Oct 13, 2008

Chief Justice Roberts Discusses Online Research

BoleyBlogs has a nice post discussing Justice Roberts’ recent comments on the topic of online research. He recently gave a lecture at Drake University, speaking on several issues including changing technologies and the migration to keyword searching. The post includes a link to the actual lecture.

Oct 6, 2008

NAICS AND SIC Codes online

Looking for NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) and SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes? A standard stop for SIC codes is OSHA’s search system or manual. The Census maintains a keyword search engine for both 2007 and 2002 NAICS codes. They also include a link to relevant Federal Register notices. A nice website to search […]


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