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2011 Up and Coming Lawyers


2011 Up and Coming Lawyers


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Anthony leads businesses through high and low periods

Chad Anthony

When Chad Anthony was hired to work in mergers and acquisitions seven years ago, it was a boom time for the business, resulting in a “trial by fire” as he learned quickly on the job.

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Babe carries on family tradition in Pewaukee

Katie Babe

When Katie Babe opened her own practice, Lakeland Law Firm LLC, in 2008, she knew she wanted to be in Pewaukee, where her family has a lot of history.

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Beachy takes on constitutional law in private practice

Sara Beachy

Sara Beachy’s practice offers an “unusual” mix, she said, as she is in private practice but gets to work on significant constitutional law.

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Carr swings for the fences in court

David Carr

David Carr’s law career came out of left field.

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Deheck puts engineering background into practice

Kirk Deheck

Kirk Deheck took an unusual path to a career in law: he started out as a mechanical engineer.

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DeVougas gives back to community through work

Steven DeVougas

As a teenager, Steve DeVougas’ favorite movies were “Wall Street” and “Boiler Room.” Now, however, his career is more like “Law & Order.”

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Galster juggles patent work and litigation

Garet Galster

Intellectual property attorney Garet Galster has a few unusual office decorations.

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Greendeer uses nontraditional approach in Indian law focus

Samantha Greendeer

Attorney Samantha Greendeer’s career has been focused from the start toward practicing Indian law, specifically preserving cultural resources.

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Complex economic issues keep Haas busy, stimulated

Elizabeth Haas

Elizabeth Haas doesn’t mind digging deep for a case.

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Assistant district attorney enjoys difficult aspects of job

Karl Hayes

Though Assistant District Attorney Karl Hayes acknowledges prosecuting drug cases can be tough, he does not shy away from the work.

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Holtz appreciates chance  to help others

Katie Holtz

Every few months, Katie Holtz gets a phone update from a teen she represented during a rough time in his life.

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Hruz tackles  attorney sanctions, property easements

Thomas Hruz

Tom Hruz doesn’t just practice appellate law; he also is working to change the rules that apply when the Wisconsin Court of Appeals sanctions attorneys.

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Isaacson stays on the defensive for his clients

Chet Isaacson

When a juror cried during the plaintiff’s mother’s testimony in Timmerman v. Allstate Insurance, attorney Chet Isaacson thought his case was over.

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Knobloch willing to go  to trial for his clients

Eric Knobloch

For the past several years, Eric Knobloch has gotten to do something he truly enjoys: “helping injured people put their lives back together.”

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Laubmeier works his way up from courier at Madison firm

John Laubmeier

As an undergraduate studying finance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, John Laubmeier knew he was more interested in dealing with companies’ legal problems than he was in solving the routine questions of daily operations.

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Moskol emerges as health law leader

Kerry Clancy Moskol

A strong mentor can make all the difference in someone’s career.

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Pagels thrives on tricky product liability cases

Sarah Thomas Pagels

Sarah Thomas Pagels realized long ago that she couldn’t really be Wonder Woman when she grew up.

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Potts stays on the ball in and outside the court

Brian Potts

Since joining Foley & Lardner LLP in 2007, Brian Potts has been racking up the wins in his environmental and energy law practice.

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Richlen seeks justice for low-income clients

Beth Ann Richlen

Attorney Beth Ann Richlen knows she can’t win them all.

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Rosek finds time to teach and coach outside of work

Matthew Rosek

As a boy, Matthew Rosek wanted to be a pilot because he craved the excitement of flying.

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Mock trials develop into law career for Ryberg

Eric Ryberg

Eric Ryberg prepared for his role as a litigator early in life.

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Skwierawski joins family in legal profession

M. Andrew Skwierawski

After 10 years as a software developer, Andrew Skwierawski decided it was time for a change.

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Zabawa bridges gap of medical and legal communities

Barbara Zabawa

The well-being of the State Bar’s Health Law Section has improved during the past few years thanks to the nurturing of past chairperson Barbara Zabawa.

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Zeratsky keeps a cool head during tricky deals

Jessica Zeratsky

A few days before the Fourth of July weekend, many lawyers were thinking of vacation time with their families.

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Zoeller stands up for worker rights

David Zoeller

In cases big and small, David Zoeller works hard to ensure employee rights.

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