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Peelen puzzles through public financing challenges

Peelen puzzles through public financing challenges

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Jeff Peelen (Staff photo by Kevin Harnack)
Jeff Peelen (Staff photo by Kevin Harnack)

Jeff Peelen’s varying interests built the ladder to his recent promotion.

His mix of math, government and computer science skills are the foundation of his work as the new national practice group chairman of Quarles & Brady LLP’s public finance group.

Coming out of college, Peelen said he was torn between his interest in math and government.

“Public financing is a nice intersection where the two meet,” he said, adding that his bachelor’s degree in computer science is helpful as well.

“With law, you are taking something complicated and making it easy to understand,” Peelen said. “It’s kind of like that with technology. You are taking someone’s problem and finding a solution to it.”

Public financing work has grown more complicated in recent years, he said, following the recession.

“The first 10 years of my practice, the laws were pretty much the same,” Peelen said, “but now it’s a challenge to keep up with everything and the different laws.”

But he relishes the opportunities to help municipalities and schools work through complications.

“It’s great to help walk them through the process,” he said, “and help them understand everything that’s going on.”

Wisconsin Law Journal: What advice would you give to a student considering a legal career?
Jeff Peelen: Think about what sorts of problems you’re truly excited about. There are lawyers involved in every significant thing you read about … for aspiring law students, I’d start by thinking about a law degree as a tool, and really encourage them to articulate what they might want to do with one. The best lawyers I know are fundamentally problem solvers.

WLJ: What song is on heavy rotation on your iPod?
Peelen: I have Pandora going pretty much all day at the office. Lately I’ve been playing the Daft Punk station a lot. I can’t say for sure, but it feels like I’m twice as productive when anything from the ‘Tron Legacy’ soundtrack is on.

WLJ: Who is your favorite Packer?
Peelen: Tough question. In the modern era, it’s probably the mainstream pick, but I’d go with A-Rod (Aaron Rodgers). It really hit me how impressive he was back when Tebowmania was in full effect. They asked Rodgers about it and he quoted St. Francis of Assisi: ‘Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.’  Sure he’s the best player in football, but he also strikes me as a solid, thoughtful person. That and I love the photo-bombing.

WLJ: What is your most prized possession?
Peelen: My wedding ring. My wife and I had it made. It’s a replica of my parents’ wedding rings in honor of the best parents I could ever ask for. Even more, it’s a constant reminder that I basically hit the lottery when I married my wife, Roxanne.

WLJ: What is the first concert you went to?
Peelen: INXS. They played Summerfest. It must have been around ’86. They opened for the Beach Boys, if you can believe it, but the main act got canceled due to heavy rain. I remember sliding through the mud with my friends and all these crazy people and thinking rock and roll music has to be man’s greatest invention.

WLJ: Finish this sentence: Happiness is …
Peelen: a ‘spider monkey’ hug from my 3-year-old daughter, Madeline. It’s a special sort of hug that she gives where she uses her arms and her legs. I’m the only one that gets them, and it’s pretty much the best part of my day.

WLJ: If you could be a superhero, who would you be?
Peelen: This is actually a serious question for devotees of the superhero genre. I’ve talked this through on past occasions with one of my cousins, and I think I’d go with Spiderman. He doesn’t have the best powers and he’s flawed, but that’s part of what makes him so great.


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