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Zoeller stands up for worker rights


Zoeller stands up for worker rights


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WLJ Photo by Kevin Harnack

In cases big and small, David Zoeller works hard to ensure employee rights.

Last year, Zoeller, 31, worked with another attorney from Hawks Quindel SC to reach a $2 million settlement for 876 satellite installation employees.

Zoeller and William Parsons represented satellite dish technicians in a case against employer Alternative Entertainment Inc. They alleged technicians were paid a flat rate for projects, but they did not receive additional compensation for work they did beyond 40 hours.

“These were individuals who were working 50, 60 hours a week,” Zoeller, 31, said. “The settlement was to recover time and a half wages for their hours over 40.”

The settlement also included recovery of money for unlawful deductions from employees’ paychecks.

When Zoeller recalls his favorite cases, however, dollar value is not his only focus.

“As much as the big-dollar cases are fun,” he said, “the cases where we are representing restaurant workers or grocery workers have been some of the most rewarding. Those are the kind of cases where workers are really working insane hours for low wages.”

One recent case involved employees working for a fixed salary so low they were not even making minimum wage for every hour that they worked. Zoeller helped get a judgment for full back wages and overtime.

— Tony Anderson

What was your worst law school course?

Property. Bundle of sticks, what?

What is the best part of being an attorney?

I enjoy working with a great group of people who share a common goal.

How many countries have you visited? Which ones?

14 (I think): Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, France, UK, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands

What was your favorite toy as a child?

My baseball glove, I played endless hours of catch.

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

If there were a superhero in an awesome band, I would be that one.

What famous person you would most like to have a drink with?

Bill Murray

What do you consider to be the most overrated virtue?


Do you have any tattoos?

I am a clean slate

What is your motto?

Do or do not, there is no try.

What is the first concert you went to?

Peter, Paul and Mary, circa 1987

Which living person do you most admire?

Kent Overbey

How would your mother describe you in one word?



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