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Anthony leads businesses through high and low periods


Anthony leads businesses through high and low periods


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WLJ Photo by Kevin Harnack

When Chad Anthony was hired to work in mergers and acquisitions seven years ago, it was a boom time for the business, resulting in a “trial by fire” as he learned quickly on the job.

The recent recession has given him perspective and experiences on the other side of the economic coin, however.

“It’s a bit uneasy” with fewer transactions since the recession, Anthony said.

“But you get to go out there and develop the marketing aspect of it, meeting people and you’re not just stuck behind the desk,” he added.

The Sussex native, 32, said being a lawyer was always on his radar, from having “read a few Grisham novels” in high school to developing his Socratic chops at law school in Madison.

He parlayed an interest in transactional work to a summer associate spot and subsequent career at Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren SC. He’s found the work satisfying and challenging, he said, regardless of economic conditions.

Anthony’s excitement about his work started with his first clients, a few guys who were starting their own small business. Being part of guiding a new venture from concept to the grand opening ceremony was a pleasure, he said.

“They would call me, not just for legal advice,” Anthony said.

“I was part of the decision-making team and still am.”

— Justin Kern

What was your most useful law school course?

Fundamentals of Business Transactions

What is the best part of being an attorney?

Being able to help people achieve their goals

If you hadn’t become a lawyer, what would you have done?

I have no idea. I’ve wanted to be a lawyer from a relatively young age.

Where would you like to live?

There are many places that I would like to visit for extended periods of time, but I really enjoy coming back to Milwaukee and calling it my home.

What song is on heavy rotation on your iPod?

I’m actually one of the few people left that does not have an iPod.

How many countries have you visited? Which ones?

Actually, not many. Just Mexico and Canada

Do you have any tattoos?


If you could be a superhero, who would you be?


What famous person you would most like to have a drink with?

Aaron Rodgers

What is your favorite thing to do in Wisconsin?

Go to Summerfest and see live music.

What is your most prized possession?

My stock certificate for the one share of Green Bay Packer stock that I own

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

My hairline

What was your worst law school course?

Evidence. It confirmed that I did not want to be a litigator.

What can you spend hours doing that’s not law-related?

Watching live music


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