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Legal Cents

Jan 5, 2009

Set your e-mail sights on a spam-free 2009

Wausau attorney Sarah L. Ruffi, of Ruffi Law Offices S.C., took a four-day break from technology over Thanksgiving weekend. On Monday morning, upon firing up her computer, a mere 40 e-mails were awaiting. It took only a few minutes to respond to those that needed a response, and to file or delete those that did […]

Dec 22, 2008

Voice recognition software: Removing pen from paper

I never took typing in high school. Since it was an elective, it was offered at 2 p.m., and in my senior year we could leave early if we were done with the required classes. So, it was an easy choice: typing, or General Hospital? Those were the Luke and Laura years, after all. In […]

Dec 22, 2008

Google fills in the apps, helps with searches

A couple of columns ago, I wrote about a pair of Google applications of special relevance to legal marketing — Google Alerts and Google Analytics. That’s just scratching the surface of Google’s possibilities for lawyers. This week, I’ll look at a pair of Google tools for self-organization: Google Apps and Google Desktop. Google Apps James […]

Dec 8, 2008

Handling metered postage without the meter

One of my duties as a clerk during law school was schlepping the postage meter a few blocks to the post office in downtown Milwaukee. It was heavy, and there were always lines once I reached my destination. Postage meters and queues aren’t a part of the lives of attorney Sarah L. Ruffi or her […]

Nov 24, 2008

Google can alert you to postings about your firm, clients, blog

Since cold and flu season is upon us, I thought it appropriate to take up viral marketing. Like a sneeze in your face, viral marketing all but forces you to pass on a message. So says Milwaukee lawyer Jon P. Groth, of Kyle, Pitman & Sicula S.C., who gave an entire presentation on the topic […]

Nov 10, 2008

Free Fastcase arrives for State Bar members

This past Halloween was probably a particularly scary day for representatives of Westlaw and LexisNexis working with Wisconsin practitioners. That’s because Oct. 31 marked the State Bar of Wisconsin’s roll-out of its newest, and by far most significant, member benefit: It launched free access to Fastcase for bar members — undoubtedly leaving Lexis and Westlaw […]

Oct 27, 2008

Lawyers find friend with PayPal’s payment options

If you’re looking for another way to make it easier to get paid, perhaps PayPal might become your new best friend. PayPal is an online payment service, which probably needs no introduction to those who are frequent buyers or sellers on eBay (I’m not). Now celebrating its 10th birthday, PayPal was acquired by eBay in […]

Oct 13, 2008

Attorney is a Twitter about online networking resource

A couple of months ago, I read about Twitter and thought, “Why would anyone care what I’m doing right now? Do I really care what anybody else is doing right now?” While I dismissed it as a diversion for geeks, it turns out that Twitter can be useful to lawyers, as yet another effective, Web-based […]

Sep 29, 2008

Conquering the quest for malpractice insurance

“Oh how I need Someone to watch over me.” When he penned those words, lyricist Ira Gershwin got it right. As competent, experienced, dedicated and smart as you undoubtedly are, you cannot go it alone when it comes to professional malpractice. You need insurance. I recently read an article by Tom Watson at Wisconsin Lawyers […]

Sep 22, 2008

Bio (71419)

Jane Pribek is the editor-at-large for the Wisconsin Law Journal. Pribek is a former family law attorney and the former editor of the Wisconsin Law Journal. She lives in Nashville, Tenn. with her husband and two daughters.

Sep 15, 2008

Four mid-priced legal research options

Although the best things in life may be free, unfortunately, the best electronic legal research tools are not. The best, without question, are Westlaw and LexisNexis, and both can be pricey, according to legal research guru and law librarian Mary J. Koshollek of Godfrey & Kahn S.C. in Milwaukee. Koshollek has used, or experimented with, […]

Sep 8, 2008

Tracking down free case search alternatives

When I attended law school in the early 1990s, part of the required curriculum was electronic legal research, taught by Westlaw or LexisNexis reps. I took full advantage of free Web searching. Today’s law students still enjoy free access to “Wexis,” which is the sarcastic nickname for Westlaw and LexisNexis given to them by lawyers […]


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