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Krautkramer wise beyond his years

By: Erika Strebel, [email protected]//September 13, 2018//

Krautkramer wise beyond his years

By: Erika Strebel, [email protected]//September 13, 2018//

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Jason Krautkramer - Daubert Law Firm
Jason Krautkramer – Daubert Law Firm

There’s no hiding it. Jason Krautkramer has a baby face.

It’s something the estate-planning and elder-law attorney at the Daubert Law Firm must deal with head-on even before he takes on a client, knowing that some might balk at the prospect of someone so young giving them advice about legal matters involving the end or near-end of their lives.

Lest anyone be surprised by his young looks, one step Krautkramer always takes is to post a photo of himself on advertisements and columns that he writes.

“I do get a lot of doubters when they first walk in the door, especially when they see that I have a baby face,” he said. “But once I start talking to them and they can see that I actually have knowledge and know what I’m talking about, it puts a lot of them at ease.”

Krautkramer got tuned into estate planning and elder law when he was in his fifth year of an accounting master’s degree program with an emphasis on tax at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He’d just made it through a grueling 80-hour a week tax internship during the busy season. That made him realize that sort of work was not for him. And as it happened, estate planning was one of the topics covered in the tax class he was required to take that year.

“It clicked in my head at that point that, hey, that’s what I want to do,” Krautkramer said. “I want to be that guy; the guy who gets to do the drafting. I don’t want to just be the guy who was just crunching all the numbers all the time.’”

And for the last three years since graduating from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 2015, that’s what Krautkramer has been doing. He says he enjoys informing people about what they don’t know and resolving their difficulties.

“It’s kind of cool watching the client walk out of the office and go ‘Holy cow, I got this all taken care of and we never knew this was even an issue for us,’” Krautkramer said. “People walk out of here with peace of mind.”

Dakota Kaiser, who went to high school and college with Krautkramer, says Krautkramer not only has a sharp legal mind, but is also very approachable and adds a personal touch to his work with clients.

Krautkramer helped Kaiser’s mother put together an estate plan when some medical troubles came up.

“I was really impressed, particularly when he was working with my mom, how easily he was able to explain fairly complicated things in a really simple way,” Kaiser said.


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