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Jan 25, 2010

Databases assist expert witness research

Last year, LexisNexis acquired IDEX, a database of more than 1 million records on more than 200,000 legal experts. And in July, TASA Group, a Pennsylvania-based expert witness consulting and referral firm, introduced its “Challenge History Report,” a service aimed at helping attorneys check past challenges to the admission of expert witness testimony. Attorneys can […]

Jan 25, 2010

How trial lawyers sabotage their own experts

Attorneys will sometimes control the evidence they give to their expert in hopes of shaping the expert’s opinion to what is consistent with what they want,” Michael Kaplan, a Los Angeles forensic valuation expert who spoke at the conference, said in an interview. Starting with hiring, an attorney can unknowingly sabotage his or her own […]

Jan 4, 2010

Largest Law Firms of 2009 – A word to our readers

The jury’s out on whether the national and world economies are back on track yet. As we have reported in the past year, Wisconsin’s largest law firms clearly have felt the impact of this economic uncertainty. Yet, they by and large remain a healthy lot, looking just at their numbers of attorneys. Of the 20 […]

Jan 4, 2010

Largest Law Firms of 2009 – Law firm profiles

The Largest Law Firms survey results were compiled and/or researched by Wisconsin Law Journal’s Sarah McQuin, Associate Editor, and Jane Pribek, Editor-at-Large. We utilized an e-mail process for submitting online questionnaires. Our goal was to make it easier for firms to respond electronically and to help with compiling the significant amount of information from the […]

Jan 4, 2010

Largest Law Firms of 2009 – At a glance

Firm Total Attorneys Partners M/F Associates M/F Of Counsel M/F Total Staff Minority Partners M/F Minority Associates M/F Quarles & Brady LLP 285 102/37 47/46 49/4 287 2/1 4/8 Foley & Lardner LLP 282 127/21 75/49 7/3 448 3/2 4/4 Michael Best & Friedrich LLP 211 104/27 31/35 12/2 256 4/1 3/2 Reinhart Boerner Van […]

Jan 4, 2010

Largest Law Firms of 2009 – Changes in size 2004-2009

Law Firm 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Change ’08-’09 Quarles & Brady LLP 243 257 272 286 292 285 -7 Foley & Lardner LLP 299 293 303 308 310 282 -28 Michael Best & Friedrich LLP 236 228 210 213 213 211 -2 Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren SC 179 199 205 205 203 202 […]

Oct 19, 2009

Hostile lawyers: Advice from the experts

Famous horror story: In the first conversation with opposing counsel, after filing a copyright suit against the singer Meatloaf and his record company, the attorney said, “You are making the biggest mistake of your life.” Then, at the deposition of Meatloaf in New York, the attorney found out when Davis’ plane was leaving for Milwaukee […]

Oct 19, 2009

Working with interpreters

You’ve hired an interpreter for your non-English-speaking client. You begin the conversation with “How are you today?” and it takes the interpreter 30 seconds to come up with how to communicate that – or, conversely, the interpreter speaks for 30 seconds straight. Either way, you should be wondering if you’ve hired the right interpreter. That’s […]

Oct 19, 2009

Dealing with the hostile lawyer

Most trial attorneys have had the experience: dealing with opposing counsel who, for whatever reason, insists on being rude, unaccommodating or just outright nasty. But understanding why lawyers can sometimes be jerks — and knowing how to deal with them when they are — can help keep you from falling prey. Why they do it […]

Oct 19, 2009

Using social networks to investigate your case

Plaintiffs’ attorney Jonathan P. Groth recently handled an automobile accident case where his client’s alleged contributory negligence was at issue. Groth did a quick Google search and found the defendant’s public MySpace page, where he had written about how tired and rushed he felt before the accident, even though he had previously insisted he was […]

Oct 19, 2009

Do’s and don’ts of using videotape to prepare witnesses

A new study has stirred up a debate about the effectiveness of showing witnesses videotape of themselves to prepare them for trial. The study, although it wasn’t conducted in the legal context, found that participants who were videotaped were unable to assess certain personality traits based on viewing their own body language. The study concluded […]

Aug 31, 2009

WHLA Practice Areas

Administrative LawLey AdministrativaMicabil Diaz-Martinez Antitrust LawLey de AntimonopolioDavid A. Westrup AppellateLey de la ApelaciónDavid A. Westrup Bankruptcy LawLey de BancarrotaPiermario BertolottoJames W. McNeilly, Jr.Felix Servantez Business & Corporate LawLey Empresarial y CorporativoNeifor B. AcostaPiermario BertolottoNancy BonniwellAlan D. EisenbergEdward A. FalloneStuart C.[...]


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