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Legal Cents

Feb 22, 2010

Commentary: Becoming ‘of counsel’ a win-win situation

The stereotypical of counsel attorney is the former partner who comes into the office to share his wisdom when he’s bored with retirement. Milwaukee attorney Jonathan P. Groth, in his 30s and the prime of his career, is proof that lawyers need not be AARP members to leverage successfully the of counsel relationship to maximize […]

Feb 8, 2010

Commentary: Cheap entertainment for the cost conscious

Lawyers are working harder these days. In 1965, associates typically billed 1,400 to 1,600 hours annually, while partners billed 1,200 to 1,400. Forty years later, associates’ hours were up to 2,000 annually, according to an ABA Law Practice Management Section magazine article from 2006. But everyone knows the old adage about all work and no […]

Dec 7, 2009

Commentary: Modernizing your office within your means

I can’t tune into HGTV for any length of time because I get too bored, nor can I watch “Extreme Home Makeover” because it makes me cry. I just didn’t get the decorating gene. But I can and do appreciate appealing surroundings. At the recent Solo & Small Firm Conference, more than one speaker emphasized […]

Nov 23, 2009

Commentary: How to find cheap office space (74921)

I was shocked when I learned from attorney Bradden C. Backer that office space in downtown Milwaukee has a vacancy rate of about 20 percent. Yes, the economy’s that bad. The good news is that it’s a renter’s market when it comes to finding affordable, appealing office space. Milwaukee attorney Joseph Seifert recently took advantage […]

Nov 9, 2009

Commentary: Law blogs yield big ideas, savings

In my last column, I reviewed ten top practice management blogs. In this installment, I’m going to take a look at some low cost law practice management ideas I picked up from these blogs. Firefox ‘add-ons’ for attorneys The 2009 American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Survey found that about one-quarter of attorneys use Firefox for […]

Oct 12, 2009

Twitter tools for attorneys

I’ve been talking to lawyers and searching the Web in my quest for the best free Twitter applications for attorneys. Here’s what I learned. The first application you should check out is HootSuite, Jeffrey C. O’Brien, of Mansfield, Tanick & Cohen P.A. in Minneapolis can directly trace a few new clients for his firm […]

Sep 14, 2009

Should you switch to Linux?

Are you a candidate for Linux? Take this simple test. When you have computer issues, do you prefer to seek help from the person in the neighboring office rather than an online forum? Do you like your technology as “out of the box” as possible – meaning that you like to do as little as […]

Aug 31, 2009

Embracing Web 2.0

So much to your children’s embarrassment, you’re on Facebook for fun and maybe marketing, too. Want to really annoy your kids? Embrace Web. 2.0. You’ll soon be all over the Web, and probably even getting new clients along the way. It’s been an effective and cost-effective strategy for Madison’s Scott E. Mickelson, of Scott E. […]

Aug 17, 2009

Want to ‘Google’ something? Try Bing

Just about every time I interview an attorney and ask what he or she does for fun, the answer invariably is “travel.” If that’s your interest, you might want to visit the next time you’re searching the Web. The basics about Bing, which, it’s speculated, might stand for “But It’s Not Google!”: It’s a […]

Aug 3, 2009

Google Voice — why you should get in queue

My husband is a lucky man, and it’s not just because he married me. He’s got a Google Voice number. An engineer and lover of all things technology-related, he was ahead of the curve once again, and quietly got in the virtual queue for Google Voice about six weeks ago. His patience was rewarded in […]

Jul 20, 2009

Consider YouSENDit for sending large files

Ever have someone say, “I’ll e-mail you my pictures”? Then they end up sending you a series of e-mails, because the file size of the attachment(s) is so large that it exceeds what their e-mail provider will allow? Or it can be sent, but it’s a painfully slow download, especially if you don’t have a […]

Jul 6, 2009

‘Drowning in e-mail?’ Give Xobni a try

Everybody loves free stuff – especially free stuff that has actual value. Periodically, I devote an article to freebies on the Web that may be useful for lawyers. It’s been several months since the last one, so here’s the latest — Xobni for Outlook. When you go to the homepage, it prominently asks, “Drowning […]


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