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Oct 19, 2009

Bio (74688)

Ron Phillips is a self-described attorney-computer nerd with over fifteen years of experience as a software architect and technology entrepreneur. He has helped to design and build enterprise systems for large and mid-size corporations, developed commercial software products and authored several books and articles concerning software development, applications and technology. He enjoys helping fell[...]

Oct 19, 2009


Robert Teuber is a tax attorney with Weiss Berzowski Brady LLP in Milwaukee. He works with individuals and businesses in resolving tax audits, appeals, litigation and collection actions brought by the IRS and Departments of Revenue. Rob can be reached at 414/270-2538 or [email protected].

Oct 19, 2009

Commentary: The necessary evil of timekeeping

Timekeeping. I can’t think of a single person who enjoys it. In fact, most hate it. But without it we wouldn’t get paid, so it must be done. And believe it or not, it’s actually a bit of an acquired skill. How can counting every six minutes be an acquired skill? It actually goes beyond […]

Oct 19, 2009

Commentary: I can’t even be trusted to buy bananas

Over the weekend, I went to my favorite corporate-owned chain coffee shop. While there, I participated in a dastardly crime. No, I didn’t hold the place up with a gun. But I did buy a banana. How is that a crime, you ask? Well, I paid 90 cents for it; they were selling bananas for […]

Oct 19, 2009

Commentary: How does Pro Bono help attorneys?

In my last two columns, I criticized the State Bar of Wisconsin Family Law Section and the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers for failing to weigh in on the significant applications of two appellate cases in our area of law, even though they were not primarily family law cases. In both […]

Oct 12, 2009

Twitter tools for attorneys

I’ve been talking to lawyers and searching the Web in my quest for the best free Twitter applications for attorneys. Here’s what I learned. The first application you should check out is HootSuite, Jeffrey C. O’Brien, of Mansfield, Tanick & Cohen P.A. in Minneapolis can directly trace a few new clients for his firm […]

Oct 12, 2009

Commentary: Helpful reminders of Marketing 101 basics

I recently spoke at a conference and got two reminders about some Marketing 101 basics. The first reminder came when someone spoke to me after my presentation. “I need everything that you talked about,” he said, “and once I get back to my office I’m going to be sure to call you.” My response was […]

Oct 12, 2009

Commentary: Picking peppers in the enlightened police state

Have you ever wondered who smokes the grape and peach flavored cigars that are available for individual sale in gas stations? Those few of you who are even less hip than I am may think, as the government claims, that these flavored cigars are “gateway” drugs, and the fruity artificial flavors are the enticement that […]

Oct 5, 2009

Commentary: Boohoo! Insurance rates are unfair

Here’s a story I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand times before: A middle-aged, middle-class attorney gets divorced, and moves out of his house in the suburbs. Still saddled with a large mortgage and confiscatory property taxes on a house in which he is no longer able to live, there’s not much money to live anywhere […]

Oct 5, 2009

Commentary: Up Close: Amicus Attorney Small Firm Edition 2009

Amicus Attorney Small Firm Edition 2009 is a legal practice management application targeted at small firms. Gavel and Gown Inc., its publisher, is a well-established player in the legal software market and has been around since the early 1990’s. The software supports the essential work of a legal office: client and matter management, calendaring, conflict […]

Oct 5, 2009

Commentary: Last call for IRS amnesty

There has been a great deal of discussion over the past six months about the Obama Administration’s crackdown on offshore tax havens used by U.S. citizens to avoid paying income tax. U.S. Bancorp (UBS), Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Account (FBAR) — these are all are words that have recently been connected […]

Sep 28, 2009

Commentary: ‘Cash for Clunkers’ was de facto taking of property

The Cash for Clunkers program has come and gone, and like most, if not all, government interferences in the market, its primary effect has been to transfer wealth from the poor and powerless to the wealthy and influential. Consider its effect on a friend of mine, a young woman who, like most young people, doesn’t […]


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