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Feb 8, 2010

Commentary: Cheap entertainment for the cost conscious

Lawyers are working harder these days. In 1965, associates typically billed 1,400 to 1,600 hours annually, while partners billed 1,200 to 1,400. Forty years later, associates’ hours were up to 2,000 annually, according to an ABA Law Practice Management Section magazine article from 2006. But everyone knows the old adage about all work and no […]

Feb 8, 2010

Commentary: Lawyers should whine for tax credits too

Reading the local progressive newspaper the other day, I came across a story about some farmers and municipalities who want land designated as “agricultural enterprise areas.” If that were to happen, the farmers would get annual tax credits of $5 to $10 per acre, in exchange for agreeing to keep the land in farm production […]

Feb 8, 2010

Commentary: The key to security as a lawyer: Networking

Throughout law school I was very focused on grades and making certain that I ranked as high as possible in my class. But while it is impossible to deny that grades and rankings are important in law school, I was surprised to find that what matters more than anything as you move into your career […]

Feb 1, 2010

Commentary: Grandparents’ case raises hard questions

There is an old Jewish story about two men who go to a Rabbi to decide a dispute. After the first one told his side, the Rabbi told him: “You’re right.” “Wait a minute, Rabbi,” said the other, “You haven’t heard my side.” After telling his side, the Rabbi scratched his beard and told him: […]

Feb 1, 2010

Commentary: Half a case may be better than none

For the legal profession, the impact of the current recession has been felt the most by the nation’s one million-plus lawyers who are sole practitioners or members of small firms. These lawyers are not at the top of the compensation scale to begin with. They generally work on what’s called “the consumer side” of law, […]

Jan 25, 2010

Commentary: Observations from a morning in court

Last week, I spent 3 ½ hours in a courtroom in the Milwaukee County Public Safety Building. I needn’t tell you cats how tedious – I mean thrilling – that was. But I would like to relate a couple of experiences from that morning. At one point, while I was waiting in line to get […]

Jan 25, 2010

Commentary: Internal marketing efforts can improve profitability

Studies conducted across the country repeatedly show the value of internal marketing to professional services firms. A national study of 200 human resources executives conducted by Wisconsin-based Business Development Directives revealed firms with strong internal marketing initiatives experience higher-than-average growth rates and profitability. The explanation is very simple — highly-trai[...]

Jan 18, 2010

Commentary: A close look at SaaS Highrise

A few months ago I wrote about cloud computing and the emerging field of software-as-a-service (SaaS). Highrise from 37 Signals is a SaaS offering that can help a busy law office coordinate efforts and communication for ongoing matters. It’s a multi-tenant, multi-user tool that allows you and your colleagues to share case information, assign work […]

Jan 18, 2010

Commentary: No ‘Big Love’ for polygamy laws

My favorite TV show, “Big Love,” is back on the air for a new season. If you’re not familiar with the show, it’s a family drama about a man in Utah, his three wives, and their assorted children. A frequently-used device to drive the plot is their ever-present fear of criminal prosecution for polygamy. My […]

Jan 11, 2010

Commentary: An idea for a new video game

When I was a kid, I used to go to the bowling alley to play a video game called “Wizard of War.” Like most video games of the time, the goal was to navigate mazes and fight monsters of one sort or another. Over time, video games became more realistic. Now, you can play a […]

Jan 11, 2010

Commentary: Can I really raise my rates?

As the holiday season began, I received an e-mail inquiry from a lawyer asking if I had a standard letter that his firm could use to inform clients that hourly rates would increase on January 1. Since most firms have faced two-plus years of pressure by clients to cut rates, it was interesting (to say […]

Jan 4, 2010

Commentary: I am not my brother’s dog’s keeper

Mark Twain once remarked that the major difference between a man and a dog is that, if a dog is cold and hungry, and you shelter and feed it, the dog will be grateful. The man, in contrast, will steal your best whiskey. Twain’s remark played out in a case that the Wisconsin Supreme Court […]


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