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Supreme Court

Apr 6, 2011

ON APPEAL: Motion for sentence modification tolls AEDPA

The timeline for filing a petition for writ of habeas corpus in federal court challenging a state conviction is governed by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA). Recently, the United States Supreme Court addressed whether a state inmate’s challenge to his sentence tolls the deadline.

Apr 5, 2011

State Supreme Court race still too close to call

Madison (AP) — Early returns show Wisconsin's Supreme Court election is very close. The initial returns Tuesday night showed Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser locked in a virtual dead heat with challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg. The race has become a referendum on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's contentious new union rights law.

Apr 5, 2011

Supreme Court race costliest in state history

Milwaukee (AP) — This year’s state Supreme Court race is now the most expensive high-court race in Wisconsin history. A group that tracks spending in judicial races said Tuesday that outside groups combined to spend more than $3.5 million on TV ads in Wisconsin. That tops the previous record of $3.4 million in the state’s […]

Apr 5, 2011

Voters cite union rights fight in deciding state Supreme Court race (UPDATE)

Milwaukee — Wisconsin's Supreme Court race could come down to one factor: whether voters in Republican parts of the state can match the passion of voters in the Democratic strongholds of Dane and Milwaukee counties.

Apr 4, 2011

Final push under way in Wis. Supreme Court race

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Both candidates in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race are making a final push as their campaigns enter the final frenzied day. Justice David Prosser and Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg are vying for a 10-year term on the high court. They’re making last-minute stops throughout southeastern Wisconsin on Monday to thank supporters […]

Apr 3, 2011

Tea party, labor spend big in high court race

By DINESH RAMDE Associated Press MILWAUKEE (AP) — Pro-labor organizations and one of the country’s largest tea party groups are pouring money into Tuesday’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election in an effort to turn the normally sleepy race into a referendum on the national fight over labor rights. The attention from conservative and liberal groups has […]

Apr 1, 2011

Appeals court denies campaign finance law motion

By CARRIE ANTLFINGER Associated Press Writer MILWAUKEE (AP) — A state appeals court turned aside a request Friday from Wisconsin Right to Life to block the public financing system from providing matching funds to candidates for Tuesday’s Supreme Court election. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling came hours after the anti-abortion group filed […]

Apr 1, 2011

Wisconsin union law likely on hold for 2 months (UPDATE)

TODD RICHMOND Associated Press MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A week ago, Wisconsin Republicans thought they’d won the fight over the state’s polarizing union rights bill. They’d weathered massive protests, outfoxed Senate Democrats who fled the state and gotten around a restraining order blocking the law by having an obscure state agency publish it. They […]

Apr 1, 2011

Federal judge upholds campaign finance law (UPDATE)

A federal court in Wisconsin upheld the state’s Impartial Justice Act which provides for public financing of state Supreme Court elections. In his decision on Thursday, District Court Judge William Conley ruled that the law did not infringe on free speech rights, as alleged by the primary plaintiff in the case, Wisconsin Right to Life. […]

Apr 1, 2011

Recusal issue may return after Tuesday’s election

Defense attorneys may renew their campaign to recuse Justice Michael Gableman from criminal cases should attorney JoAnne Kloppenburg defeat Incumbent Justice David Prosser in Tuesday’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election. With Prosser on the court, the six state Supreme Court justices outside Gableman deadlocked on a previous motion regarding whether the court has power to consider […]

Apr 1, 2011

Judge to look at how union law was passed 

By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press Madison, Wis. (AP) — Having declared that Wisconsin’s divisive union law isn’t really a law yet, a judge was set to return to one of the underlying questions dogging the measure — whether Republicans violated the state’s open meetings law during the frenzied run-up to passage. Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s […]

Apr 1, 2011

Palin endorses Prosser in Wis. Supreme Court race

MILWAUKEE (AP) — In a sign of how much national attention Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race is drawing, Sarah Palin has now weighed in with an endorsement. The race is between incumbent Justice David Prosser and Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg. While the seven-member court is officially nonpartisan, Prosser is seen as part of a conservative […]


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