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Mar 15, 2010

Commentary: Something completely different, and yet the same

The other day my fellow Law Journal columnist, Jane Pribek, and I decided to swap columns. I would give advice on how to save a few bucks, and she would explore The Dark Side of the legal profession. “So, where do you get your column ideas?” I asked. “I spend lots of time on the […]

Mar 15, 2010

Commentary: The changing odds of the tax audit lottery

It has almost become cliché to write an article discussing “these difficult economic times” and projecting a grim business climate. Certainly, budgets are smaller and belts are tightening. The federal and state governments need money too. Across the nation, we hear stories of politicians recommending tax increases and government employees facing pay reductions, pay freezes [&hel[...]

Mar 8, 2010

Commentary: Transactional work can be high drama, too

Surely, one of the most remarkable events of the recent Winter Olympics was the emergence of women’s curling as must-see television. People would sit down and ask, “Why is this even on television?” Fifteen to twenty minutes later, they would be rebuffing attempts at conversation with, “I can’t talk now. I have to watch this […]

Mar 8, 2010

Commentary: Departing your law firm

The tide is turning in law firms. The conventional practice of starting a career with a firm and remaining until retirement is no longer the norm. According to a recent National Law Journal article, “the market for lateral partners is the most robust it’s been in 22 years.” Whether it is a single attorney shifting […]

Mar 8, 2010

Commentary: Can Avvo Answers help you get more clients?

As attorneys and counselors-at-law, you answer questions all day long for paying clients. But have you ever considered answering questions on the Web as a means of obtaining more paying clients? Some attorneys have had success using Avvo Answers, a free legal advice forum for consumers. Avvo says it’s “the world’s largest legal directory.” You […]

Mar 1, 2010

Commentary: Some folks just can’t perceive the obvious

I read a riotously funny article the other day, about how state laws banning texting or talking on cell phones while driving have no effect whatsoever on the number of crashes. What’s so funny about that? What’s so funny is the inability of the “experts” to come up with an explanation for the data. One […]

Mar 1, 2010

Commentary: How to be a ‘virtually’ successful lawyer

A consulting colleague of mine recently observed that she believes too many lawyers are far behind the times; she said they don’t use the Internet for research or marketing and many don’t even use e-mail. Of course, few if any professions are more tradition-bound than the law and change can come slowly to lawyers. Yet […]

Feb 22, 2010

Commentary: Becoming ‘of counsel’ a win-win situation

The stereotypical of counsel attorney is the former partner who comes into the office to share his wisdom when he’s bored with retirement. Milwaukee attorney Jonathan P. Groth, in his 30s and the prime of his career, is proof that lawyers need not be AARP members to leverage successfully the of counsel relationship to maximize […]

Feb 22, 2010

Commentary: Cutting deals in smoky courtroom chambers

Within the species known as Attornius Wisconsinis, there exists a subspecies referred to derisively by those outside of it as “the courthouse crowd.” You can identify “the courthouse crowd” by their jadedness and cynicism; by their intimate familiarity with the taste of institutional coffee; by their chain-smoking; and by their innate ability to cut a […]

Feb 15, 2010

Commentary: The tricky thicket of hostile work environment claims

Imagine that you are a human resources director. An employee comes to you, claiming that she believes she is being subjected to sexual harassment in the form of a hostile work environment. She recounts how several of her fellow co-workers – they all work in a cluster of cubicles – enjoy listening to a certain […]

Feb 15, 2010

Commentary: Printing on one side of the page

Of all the slanders against attorneys and terrible suggestions for improving the profession, the most pernicious is that lawyers are tree killers for all the paper we use. They say we should use both sides of the paper when writing briefs and recycle as much paper as possible. Well, I don’t use both sides of […]

Feb 15, 2010

Commentary: How to get from plan to action

Not planning is not an option if a firm wants to survive, because a plan is the first responsibility of a business owner. The plan doesn’t have to be complicated — it can be as fundamental as identifying a desired business outcome, defining what is necessary to achieve that outcome and working toward it consistently. […]


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