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May 16, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on sentencing; Hannibal on the DATCP

I am also routinely asked by people "how does a judge arrive at a sentence?" The answer is simpler than the exercise. A judge must analyze: 1) The nature and gravity of the offense; 2) The character of the offender; 3) The protection of society.

May 13, 2011

BEV BUTULA: State Legal Research

There is an excellent paper, written by librarian Wendy E. Moore of the University of Georgia School of Law, entitled "Fantastic Facts about the 50 states: Websites for State Legal Research" outlining a variety of online resources for state research.

May 13, 2011

LEGAL CENTS: Recent graduates look out-of-the-box

It’s May, and for many aspiring lawyers, that means graduation time; what should be a time of celebration.

But this spring’s graduates, like many of late, face a hard reality once they’ve returned the caps and gowns: the persistently brutal job mark[...]

May 12, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Papke on merit scholarships; Cicchini on sexual assault cases

When the Critical Legal Studies movement was still vibrant during the 1980s, Harvard Law Professor Duncan Kennedy frequently argued that, beyond exploring the cases and rules, legal education offered training in hierarchy.

May 12, 2011

THE DARK SIDE: What makes an environmental defense lawyer?

I was having a nice conversation with another attorney the other day when we began talking about environmental law. We were both in agreement that the work environmental defense lawyers do is very important. But in the middle of the conversation, we discovered that we hav[...]

May 11, 2011

THE DARK SIDE: The good, the bad and the ugly of the war on drugs

A remarkable thing happened at the Republican debate in South Carolina earlier this month. One of the candidates proposed legalizing controlled substances, and asked whether anyone would begin using heroin just because it was legal.

May 10, 2011

FORUM: Arbitration opinion will change Wisconsin law

On April 27, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its much-awaited decision in AT&T Mobility, LLC v. Concepcion, No. 09-893. In Concepcion, AT&T’s contract provided for arbitration and required claims to proceed on an individual basis.

May 9, 2011

BEV BUTULA: Garland’s Digest on Employment Discrimination Law

The Garland's Digest is a free web-based index of "over 4,500 summaries of federal appellate court decisions from September 1996 to May 2009 and a searchable index of over 4,500 court decisions from September 1996 to date."

May 6, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Pettit on security deposits; Federal Evidence Review on judicial independence

This issue keeps raising its head over and over and over ... so I feel compelled to address it. The question: Must a landlord have completed the repair of tenant-caused damages to a rental unit before being legally able to deduct the repair costs from the tenant’s security deposit?

May 5, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Cicchini on ‘safe havens’; DiMotto on ICWA recently reported that Kenosha County has created a new victim-witness room in the courthouse.

May 4, 2011

LAWTECH: Up Close – Yammer Enterprise Social Network

Time for me to ‘fess up: When it comes to social media, I’m a bit of a skeptic. It’s not that I don’t understand the value of using social media channels for marketing and promotion.

May 4, 2011

BRIEFS FOR THE BRIEF WRITER: Legal sources are beginning, not end, of a good researcher’s work

Most of the motions practitioners bring or defend are researched through traditional Wisconsin law resources -- Wisconsin digests, key numbers, statutes, administrative laws and cases.


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