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Jul 13, 2012

BLAWG LOG: WestLaw Insider on how to write an effective lawyer’s blog

One of the most effective ways to bring attention to your firm’s website is through blog content.

Jul 12, 2012

BEV BUTULA: Need census facts quick? Try QuickFacts

The U.S. Census Bureau offers a lot of information; so much, it can be overwhelming.

Jul 11, 2012

NLRB acting general counsel issues guidance on social media policies … again

The good news is that the National Labor Relations Board's acting general counsel has issued guidance that provides employers clear advice relating to the rapidly evolving area of social media.

Jul 10, 2012

THE DARK SIDE: Everything about practicing law I learned from Ecclesiastes

Practicing law well is a lot like living a well-lived life.

Jul 9, 2012

FAMILY LAW: 10 things divorce lawyers should say

Smart Money Magazine recently published an article titled “10 Things Divorce Attorneys Won't Say.” My response: If there are things divorce lawyers won’t tell their clients, it’s probably because they’re untrue.

Jul 6, 2012

Campaign finance reform needs work from both sides

When it comes to campaign finance reform, liberals largely are wrong and conservatives only offer a partial and shaky response.

Jul 6, 2012

BLAWG LOG: Helding reflects on July 4, oppressive heat; Greipp on iCivics

Independence Day was a hot one this year. Amid the celebrations and the record high temperatures, I thought about the framers of our constitution, who, in 1787, dealt with similarly oppressive heat.

Jul 5, 2012

LAWBIZ COACHES CORNER: When the court reaches out to the grave

The lawyer who has not taken the possibility of his or her untimely death or disability into account for planning a practice’s future is playing with fire.

Jul 3, 2012

THE DARK SIDE: Lack of judicial temperament is like obscenity

The other day, some of us were discussing “judicial temperament,” or more specifically, we were swapping war stories about the lack of it.

Jul 2, 2012

BRIEFS FOR THE BRIEF WRITER: Legislative history – how to find it when you need it

Your client is being sued under a new or obscure Wisconsin statute, which has not been discussed in any reported or unreported cases. The statute contains no statement of its purpose, and its language could be read both to include and exclude your client.

Jun 29, 2012

BLAWG LOG: Boyden on unsolved mysteries of Copyright Law, 1963 Edition

I recently came across an interesting cluster of similar statements from copyright decisions in the late 1950s and early 1960s, which struck me as significant: It is a curious fact that although the Copyright Law has remained without relevant change since 1909 this case should present a question both basic and novel. Does either the Copyright Act or the common law provide copyright owners with a r[...]

Jun 28, 2012

SCOTUSblog 1, CNN and Fox 0 on health care decision

While CNN and Fox were breathlessly -- and erroneously -- reporting that the Supreme Court had struck down the individual mandate (the essential funding provision of the federal Affordable Care Act), SCOTUSblog correctly noted that "the individual mandate survives as a tax."


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