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Blawg Log

Jun 27, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on party to a crime; McMullen on civil contempt

Did you ever REALLY wonder what LEGALLY constitutes being a "party to a crime?"

Jun 24, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Cicchini on criminal defense; Bauer on confessions

On a few occasions I’ve been asked: “How can you defend someone that you know is guilty?”

Jun 22, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Pettit on the right to enter; O’Hear on the Contracts Clause

Unbeknownst to many tenants, a landlord has a legal right to enter his tenant’s rental unit in certain circumstances. The rental unit is still the landlord’s property and the law provides a landlord with the right to access that property.

Jun 15, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on Daubert; Cicchini on verdict forms

It has been a little over four months since Daubert became the "law of the land" in Wisconsin with respect to the introduction of expert testimony.

Jun 9, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Pettit on sabotage; Bauer on good looks

I received a troubling call from a landlord last week. This landlord had some questions regarding management of her rental properties and told me that she had previosuly called the Landlord-Tenant Resource Center for assistance. I informed the caller that there is no such animal as the Landlord-Tenant Resource Center and that she had actually spoken with the Tenant Resource Center, a very pro-te[...]

Jun 3, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Sullivan on protected buyers; Shucha on redaction failures

It is common in exclusive real estate listing contracts for agents to include provisions regarding "Protected Buyers."

May 31, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on the collateral source rule; Cicchini on the media

Three of the most difficult Rules/Principles/Doctrines in the Civil Practice of Law that have a direct impact on the award of damages are The Collateral Source Rule, The Principles of Subrogation and The Made Whole Doctrine.

May 27, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on minor guardianships; Federal Evidence Review on proof

A Guardianship of the Person for a Minor creates a legal relationship between "the ward" -- the child for whom a guardian has been appointed by the court and "the guardian" -- the individual appointed by the court to provide for the essential requirements for health and safety and personal needs of a minor.

May 23, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Schucha on accessing appellate briefs; O’Hear on LWOP for juveniles

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday approved the sentence of life without possibility of parole for 14-year-olds who are convicted of first-degree intentional homicide.

May 19, 2011

BLAWG LOG: O’Hear on incarceration rates; Hannibal on arbitration

Given the many demographic and cultural similarities between these Midwestern neighbors, I’ve long been intrigued by how dramatically different the incarceration rates are in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

May 18, 2011

BLAWG LOG: Bauer on inadmissible evidence; Pettit on earnest money deposits

Emily Dickinson believed that the soul is able to “Close the valves of her attention like stone.” Is this ability limited to the ethereal world, or do judges also have this ability?

May 16, 2011

BLAWG LOG: DiMotto on sentencing; Hannibal on the DATCP

I am also routinely asked by people "how does a judge arrive at a sentence?" The answer is simpler than the exercise. A judge must analyze: 1) The nature and gravity of the offense; 2) The character of the offender; 3) The protection of society.


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