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THE DARK SIDE: Celebrating Human Achievement Day instead of Earth Day

By: David Ziemer, [email protected]//April 21, 2011//

THE DARK SIDE: Celebrating Human Achievement Day instead of Earth Day

By: David Ziemer, [email protected]//April 21, 2011//

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David Ziemer
David Ziemer

Friday is what the progressives call “Earth Day.” I prefer to celebrate my own holiday, “Human Achievement Day.”

Fundamentally, the difference between the two holidays is that the progressives have led such sheltered lives that they believe that the earth is fragile, and humanity is heavy-handed. Those of us in the real world know instead the fragility of humanity, and the heavy-handedness of nature.

Progressives believe the government needs to pass regulations to protect the Earth from people. Those of us in the real world know the proper function of government is to protect private property, because without that, no one will undertake the hard work necessary to make life on Earth less nasty, brutish and short.

So, those of us in the real world will celebrate the amazing degree to which humans have made the earth relatively hospitable, via things like mines, the internal combustion engine, giant farm tractors, nuclear power plants, glass and steel skyscrapers, etc.

To celebrate the invention of electricity, I’m going to leave all the lights on in my house, all day, even while I’m at the office. After work, I’m going to make a point of taking a nice long drive in my 8-cylinder Buick Roadmaster, and tour the splendors of humanity’s efforts to survive a hostile planet.

When I do finally get home, I’m going to listen to John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra on the stereo as loud as it will play. And I’ll turn on the TV, even if I won’t be able to hear it with the music playing, just because it’s such an amazing invention.

Happy Human Achievement Day!

Look for more from The Dark Side on David Ziemer’s new blog. Coming soon to


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